

Title rocketeer
Artist caaaaseyyyy
Album innerdialogue
Year 2022
Released 2022-05-19
BPM 120
Artist Followers 6,576
Hometown United States - South Carolina - Charleston
  • Composer

    Warren Casey Malanuk


Verse 1
Skating on thin ice ya
The pressure pays the price
It’s a cold skinny dip
Teaching Freudian how to slip
Rocketeer the engineer he doesn’t know a thing
His nickname was so cool it got him into the academy
Credit card verified
Life is better lived online
Don’t even show your face
Yeah don’t even say your
Name is just a name until it earns itself some fame
But Bay you’re gonna be so rich teach me all your social kitsch
Superman Superman where were you yesterday
Did you believe in Santa clause when you were less than half my age
Powers aren’t a roadblock until you learn the law
Shake me down I swear to god I think your bibles flawed

Verse 2
Love is love is all I know since I was very young
I could be a foreigner it’s still the native tongue
Please holster your weapon mr president
You’re gonna scare off everyone they’re trying to acquit
But no ones ever innocent they’re only less than the next
So please someone handcuff me and show me to my cell

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